gtag('config', 'G-J1B3LVWC4M');


The Skin Illustrator Starter Palette is an excellent way to begin using the alcohol-based colors. This palette contains twelve of our most common colors from the Flesh Tone, Dark Flesh tone, FX and Complexion palettes. This compact palette is a time saver on set, it fits easily in your pocket and it is great for students and beginners, as it is less expensive then a standard size Skin Illustrator Palette. The colors can easily be applied with a brush or mascara wand (palette cells may be too small to apply color with a sponge). Use it alone, or mix the colors with any of the other Skin Illustrator tones to create your own unique blend of color. You must use Skin Illustrator Activator, Skin Illustrator Slow Activator, or 99% alcohol to activate the color pigment. Do Not use 70% alcohol, MEK, acetone, water or any other solvent. Removal is easy with PPI's Telesis Super Solv or Telesis Makeup Remover.


70,05 EUR


incl. 21% VAT excl. transport
Weight: 0.1 kg

Quantity:   piece