gtag('config', 'G-J1B3LVWC4M');

Titanic Punching Needle Set

A complete set of 10 needles from Titanic FX for punching hair into a foam, gelatin, latex or silicone masks and prosthetics.

We have five different sizes of needles to work for any project.

This kit comprises of 2 of each of the following sizes:

- Size 32 (Red): Heavy for semi-hidden areas
- Size 36 (Yellow): Normal for human hair
- Size 38 (Green): Fine for thin human hair
- Size 40 (Uncoloured): Very fine for mohair or wool
- Size 42 (Blue): Ultra fine for the finest fibre.


0,00 EUR


incl. 21% VAT excl. transport
Weight: 0.2 kg

Quantity:   piece