gtag('config', 'G-J1B3LVWC4M');

Guns & Ammo #1

Guns & Ammo is all about the fire rate! Four entry wounds matched with four exit wounds.

H7A Glock19 firing 9mm Luger from 7m entry

H7B Glock19 firing 9mm Luger from 7m exit

H12A .44 Taurus Magnum full metal jacket from 7m entry

H13B .44 Taurus Magnum full metal jacket from 7m exit

H14A .44 Taurus Magnum full metal jacket from point blank entry

H14B .44 Taurus Magnum full metal jacket from point blank exit

R2A AR15 firing .223 inch ammo from 5m entry

R2B AR15 firing .223 inch ammo from 5m exit


115,70 EUR


incl. 21% VAT excl. transport
Weight: 0.5 kg

Quantity:   Piece