There are many reference standards providing printed swatches of color shades. PANTONE, RAL, Munsell etc. are widely used standards of color communication across different media like printing, plastics, and textiles.
UVO™, Cryptolyte™, Silc Pig™,Cast Magic™, Glow Worm™ , Ignite™,FuseFX
Jesmonite liquid Pigments
Jesmonite pigments are aqueous dispersions that are compatible with Jesmonite composites. more
Pure Pigments powder
The Buddy Rhodes Pure CollectionTM - Use straight or mix together to create your own custom blends, we offer 24 vibrant pure pigments to suit any tast ... more
Ultra Fine Pigments powder
The Buddy Rhodes Signature Collection is a series of ultrafine concrete pigments that are used integrally in concrete mixes to produce a wide color ra ... more
Silc Pig™ pigments for silicone
Silc Pig™ silicone color pigments are used for coloring Smooth-On’s silicone rubber compounds including Mold Max™ translucent ‘T’ Series, Dragon Skin™ ... more
Glow Worm™ Fluorescent Pigments
added to liquid plastics, rubbers and foams for a glow in the dark effect after being charged with light. more
Cryptolyte™ Glow in the Dark
a liquid to give cured silicones, pu-rubbers, plastics and foams a bright blue glow under ultra violet light more
Silicone Pigments - SilcPig™ Electric fluorescent
Silc Pig™ Electric Fluorescent Silicone Pigments are used for coloring tin-cure silicone rubber compounds more
Siltone Pigment for Silicone
FormX brand of silicone pigments to add to platinum and tin cured silicones. These pigments are for coloring and painting. more
SilTone Kits
FormX's own brand of colorants for silicones is a budget friendly pigment. Here the SilTone colors brought together in a sellection. more
Silicone Coloring System - FuseFX
The "Medical"series of paints for creating ultra-realistic skintones. Layering colors to give your silicone skins more depth. Silicone paints develope ... more
Silicone Coloring System S.A.M
Tom McLaughlin's excellent silicone pigments and accesories to pigment and paint any silicone surfaces more
Key Pigments for silicone
Created by Neill Gorton this lifelike colour system comprises highly concentrated silicone pigments in custom colours that go a very long way. They wi ... more
Kryolan Flock Fiber
colored fibres that can be used to achieve skin like irregularities in the finishing of a silicone piece. more
Latex Pigments
brush or cast on or in a form or mold. Make molds, masks, dolls etc. Paint with latex colorants. more
Polyester Pigment
can be added to all polyester products in various ratio's to achieve the desired color. more
UVO™- PU-pigments - UV-Resistant
concentrated, phthalate- free urethane colorants to resist ultra-violet light. more
SO-Strong - PU-pigments
are specialty pigments to color any polyurethane and thus can be used to pigment rubber, resin and foams. more
Ignite™ fluorescent PU-pigments
The Ignite™ line of liquid fluorescent colorants is compatible with Smooth-On urethane rubbers, urethane plastics, urethane foams (rigid and flexible) ... more
Real Metal Powders
are used, as an additive to various resins and acrylcast to give castings a metallic appearance. more
Faux Metal Powders
Faux Metal powders are used, as an additive to various resins and acrylcast to make castings with a metallic appearance. These pigments can be mixed ... more
Cast Magic™ Powders
An easy way to add an endless variety of bright metallic, glitter & color effects to finished castings. more
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Silicone Pigments
Cast Magic™ Powders
An easy way to add an endless variety of bright metallic, glitter & color effects to finis ... more
FFX F-series paint
silicone paints developed for special effects; has a higher pigment content than the M ser ... more
FFX kits
convenient kits so you have a broad selection of colors for diffrent uses. more
FFX LY-series paints
layering colors to give your silicone skins more depth. more
FFX M-series paints
"Medical" series of paints for creating ultra-realistic skintones. more
Key Pigments for silicone
Created by Neill Gorton this lifelike colour system comprises highly concentrated silicone ... more
Kryolan Flock Fiber
colored fibres that can be used to achieve skin like irregularities in the finishing of a ... more
Silc Pig™ pigments for silicone
Silc Pig™ silicone color pigments are used for coloring Smooth-On’s silicone rubber compou ... more
Silicone Paint Base
Psycho Paint is a versatile and easy to use platinum silicone paint base developed to he ... more
Silicone Pigments - SilcPig™ Electric fluorescent
Silc Pig™ Electric Fluorescent Silicone Pigments are used for coloring tin-cure silicone r ... more
Siltone Pigment for Silicone
FormX brand of silicone pigments to add to platinum and tin cured silicones. These pigment ... more
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Pigments for Epoxy
Cryptolyte pigments
to give cured silicone rubbers, pu-rubbers, plastics and foams a bright blue glow under ul ... more
Epoxy pigments - EPTone
EPtone is FormX's own epoxy and polyurethane pigments; It will color epoxy resins, polyure ... more
Ignite™ fluorescent PU-pigments
The Ignite™ line of liquid fluorescent colorants is compatible with Smooth-On urethane rub ... more
SO-Strong - PU-pigments
are specialty pigments to color any polyurethane and thus can be used to pigment rubber, r ... more
UVO™- PU-pigments - UV-Resistant
concentrated, phthalate- free urethane colorants to resist ultra-violet light. more
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Pigments for Urethane
Cast Magic™ Powders
An easy way to add an endless variety of bright metallic, glitter & color effects to finis ... more
Ignite™ fluorescent PU-pigments
The Ignite™ line of liquid fluorescent colorants is compatible with Smooth-On urethane rub ... more
Metal Powders and Spray's
Metal powders are used, as an additive to give various resin casts an metallic appearance. more
SO-Strong - PU-pigments
are specialty pigments to color any polyurethane and thus can be used to pigment rubber, r ... more
UVO™- PU-pigments - UV-Resistant
concentrated, phthalate- free urethane colorants to resist ultra-violet light. more
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pigments for latex
Latex Pigments
brush or cast on or in a form or mold. Make molds, masks, dolls etc. Paint with latex colorants. more
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Pigments for Polyester
Polyester Pigment
can be added to all polyester products in various ratio's to achieve the desired color. more
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Pigments for Gypsum
Pigment Powders
mineral pigments for plaster and cement, available in many colours more
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